Support The JEA

Every minute of every day, the Jewish Educational Alliance touches people's lives in ways large and small.
Your support of the JEA ensures that everyone in our community has access to valuable experiences such as: Jewish camp, early childhood education, after school programs, and engagement opportunities for adults and seniors in our community.
Your help will make it possible for everyone in our community to be part of all that the JEA has to offer. 

The following funds have been established to support JEA programs and services. Click on a fund name to donate. Thank you for your support.

JEA Facility Funds

JEA Facility Funds

Arkin-Clark Garden Fund - Building and grounds upkeep
JEA Building Fund
- Reserve fund for JEA capital needs
Ullman Memorial Playground Fund - Purchase & maintenance of playground equipment

JEA Athletic Funds

Brian Blumberg Basketball Fund- Basketball, camp or scholarship
JEA Fitness Fund
 - Fitness Equipment upkeep/replacement
Harvey Rubin Memorial Fund
 - Annual aware to outstanding Jewish high school athlete

JEA Cultural Arts/ Entertainment Funds

Judith Blumenthal Cultural Lecture Series Fund - Community-wide cultural arts programming
Pearl & Joseph Geffen Adult Education Fund
 - Support adult Jewish education
Phillip Hoffman Memorial Fund
 - Offset annual lecture series
JEA Preschool Savannah Fund
 - To provide support for JEA Early Childhood Education program
Jack M. & Miriam S. Levy Concert Fund
 - To fund a community concert that is free and open to the public
Ethel Cohen Meddin Memorial Fund
 - To support entertainment, variety show
Cecille Richman JEA Fund
 - To provide support to Fitness department and to sponsor PJ Library program

JEA Camp Funds

Jason Brodski Memorial Camp Fund - Camp Scholarship for 3-year-olds
Dave & Bunny Center Campership Fund
- to provide enrichment and educational programs for immigrant children at camp
National Council of Jewish Women Camp/Youth Fund
 - to support camp and youth activities
Raymond and Morris Rosen Memorial Fund
- to fund Israel related cultural programs at JEA Day Camp

JEA Scholarship/Leadership Funds

Henry W. Center College Scholarship Fund - College scholarship for JEA members
Albert & Rosaline Tenenbaum Youth Leadership Fund - Sending a deserving teen to Israel for a summer experience

JEA Capital Campaign Funds

Savannah Jewish Community Envision The Future Campaign Fund - Envision the future, help make it a reality, and leave a lasting legacy.