Health, Safety and Swimming

Health & Safety

Our number one priority at Camp Savannah has always been to provide a safe and engaging environment for our campers and staff. We understand it is hard to miss camp, but we ask that you keep your camper(s) home if they aren’t feeling well or if they are symptomatic. We ask that you err on the side of caution and be especially sensitive to all of our families and the possibility of contagion.

A Team Leader will attempt to notify parents immediately of issues they deem to be major. For medical emergencies, 911 will be contacted. We generally do not call parents regarding minor issues which are easily taken care of and do not significantly affect the camper’s day, such as cuts, scrapes, bruises and insect bites. Campers that receive any type of first aid will be given a note to take home describing the issue and treatment provided.

Medications, Illness and Behavior Expectations:

JEA Camp Savannah staff recommends that medications which enable your camper to positively participate in group settings be continued throughout camp. If a camper is in the process of changing medications or cycles, please notify camp staff so they can keep you informed of any change in behavior or health.

Prescription medication must be in its original container (no plastic bags please) and will be dispensed only under the specific directions of a licensed physician. For camp to administer any medications, the following must be provided:

  • A medication form will be attached to your welcome email. This form must be turned in with the medication to a team leader either at the Meet and Greet (June 1st) or on your camper's first day of camp. 
  • All medication must be in its original bottle clearly marked with camper’s and physician’s names.

Campers Becoming Ill in Camp:

If a camper begins to display symptoms of illness including fever, coughing, sneezing, runny nose, lethargy, rash or other symptoms, they will be removed from their group. Parents/guardians are required to pick up ill campers immediately. We will call emergency contacts if your camper is not picked up within 30 minutes. 

Swimming & Sun Safety

Swimming: We love swimming at Camp Savannah! In order to ensure that everyone is comfortable and safe in the water we require that ALL campers wear a life jacket, provided by the JEA, until they pass a swim test. This swim test requires that the camper is able to swim a set distance (about 25 feet) without grabbing the wall or using a flotation device and tread water with their head above water for 45 seconds without grabbing onto the wall. Once a camper passes a swim test they are no longer required to wear a life jacket unless a parent/guardian request otherwise.

Each group will swim multiple times each week. The campers will switch between free-swim and group structured swim lessons. If campers opt to sit out on structured swim days, they will not be able to participate during free swim. If you would like information on additional swim lessons, hop on over to our Aquatics page and check out what the JEA has to offer!

: Please apply sunscreen daily. We ask that all campers bring sunscreen with them to camp. Counselors will remind campers to apply sunscreen periodically throughout the day to avoid sunburn. If needed, campers will be assisted with applying sunscreen.

: It is important that our campers stay hydrated throughout the day. Please send your camper with a reusable water bottle that is clearly marked with their first and last name. We have a water bottle filler station in our camp hallway for campers to use.