
22 2022

SJCAF Dinner & Movie

6:00PM - 9:00PM  

Jewish Educational Alliance 5111 Abercorn St.
Savannah, GA 31405

Contact Jamie Richman

Savannah Jewish Cultural Arts Festival

Dinner and Movie

6:00 PM | Dinner | New York-Style Deli Sandwiches | $18

7:00 PM | Film | A Kaddish for Bernie Madoff | $12


Set on Wall Street in 2008, A Kaddish for Bermie Madoff offers a singular perspective on devastating financial fraud. Musician/poet Alicia Jo Rabins plays herself in New York's financial district, obsessing over Madoff and the capitalist system that enabled him, in this head-spinning hybrid of fantasy, music and personal memoir.

Purchase your tickets here.