Chelsea Warlick is a cultural, travel and documentary photographer who explores other cultures from the inside out. Creating images that provide a sense of cultural immersion, her work celebrates global diversity and aims to inspire others to seek out the world, to connect with its people, experience their cultures, and understand their perspectives.
The concept of unity in diversity is at the core of her work and she believes the differences among people enrich human interaction. By seeking to understand others, we discover connections between the living world and ourselves, fostering compassion, awareness and acceptance.
From 2011-2013, she traveled to Alaska, China, Mongolia, Nepal, Brazil, Argentina, Tanzania, Morocco and Ecuador with National Geographic Expeditions. She also traveled to Istanbul, Turkey where she photographed for The Economist and has also been published in the Tulane Review, CLT Buzz and Unleashed International Wake Magazine.
Chelsea received her BA in Art History/Arts Management from Queens University of Charlotte and is currently an MFA Photography Candidate at SCAD.